Low Emission Zone (LEZ) started on 1 June in Glasgow – seemed like a good idea at the time ie less pollution. Things were not thought through properly ie was it really needed, real impact on businesses, invasion of privacy etc?

Economics – workers who cant afford new cars are being prevented from entering city centre, many people unable to carry their shopping as too bulky or heavy and not able to take on bus for various reasons and as they can’t bring in their cars are avoiding city centre shops and taxis costing a fortune. Many taxis losing city centre business too as shoppers and others avoiding city centre.  Also cost of buying in a new car between £40k to £70k will take a long time to get back from taxi runs esoecially as city centre deserted. Businesses losing money as less people going in – so will they move out of the centre and leave it like a desert? How many businesses suppliers unable to deliver in city centre?

Privacy – who is keeping all this information? who is it being shared with? Is it truly secure? Why so much information being taken people should be allowed privacy in what they do not be followed everywhere as if they are criminals.

Air Quality – Looking at the air quality website https://www.scottishairquality.scot/ it actually shows before lez was implemented that air quality was very good and pollution levels low low low.  So why would they implement something that was already good ? #climatecrisisscam as pollution levels have increased since lez introduced.

What is even more interesting is that glasgow city council vehicles – a large amount cannot enter into lez zone and have had to hire expensive vehicles to get in and do their work. Buses are still expensive to pay fares and in some caes the rail stops after a certain time in the weekends – #whatajoke




By a scot